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Peter G Thomson

Laura Gamble Thomson

Peter G.Thomson (1851-1931)

The Thomson Family

Peter G. and Laura had five children: Peter G., Jr (married Laura Simpson); Alexander (married Mary Moore Dabney); Mary Belle (married Walter Randall); Logan (married Sylvia Johnston) and Hope (married Reuben Buck Robertson).

This photo, taken at Laurel Court on Dec. 27, 1914, shows Peter G. Thomson, his five children and spouses, and nine grandchildren.


Years later it was written of Peter G. Thomson: .....he built a noble mansion on College Hill and on its walls hang many pictures of great artistic merit, while within and without the house are a score of bronze and marble statues that are veritable museum pieces. The Italian garden adjoining the house is ornamented with marble statues that would do credit to a European palace. None of these things was merely for display - they were an outward expression of the inner man - a man who loved art for art’s sake and who found in beautiful and artistic things a spiritual satisfaction. Proud as Mr. Thomson was of a magnificent and successful business career, he was much more proud of his 'Bibliography' and of his collection of books published in the days when Ohio was in the making.

Years after their marriage, Peter G. Thomson stated in an interview, “My wife was Laura Gamble…. she was a wonderful woman. I had $10 when I was married. She had a great gift at writing poetry, jingles and pretty little lines. And she could write the most delightful children's books and nursery tales. I owe much to her”. It was said by many family members and friends that Laura was Peter’s true love and companion. Despite all the finery, according to her grandson Chilton Thomson, Laura preferred dressing in borrowed gent's trousers to play with the children to wearing a fancy dress.

Laura Thomson died in 1913—read obituary. Peter G. Thomson married a family friend, Kate Prather Woolley, in 1920.

Peter G. Thomson died in 1931. His obituary was published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, July 11, 1931.